This is my Featherweight. I won it at a local auction about three years ago. I walked in and saw it sitting on the floor. I was bidding against one other person and she gave up at $200.00. Can you believe that? It was made in 1934! All it took to get up and running was a good cleaning, some oil and a new foot pedal. It really runs good for an old machine. Yesterday I got it out to see if it was working well enough to take on an upcoming retreat. Sure is!
I ordered a new handle for the case and four new rubber feet. I was sewing four patches together yesterday. I'm going to need over 400 of them! Had to stop because I have to get to the cutting table.
Today I'm working on a pattern I picked up at a quilt show a couple of years ago. It's called Settler's Trail. The designer is Kathy Borgardt.
All those little squares are cut at 1". And, yes,there are thousands of them. I think I've lost my mind. I have a drawer full of muslin I'm using for the background. All those other squares are just pieces leftover from quilts I've made.
This is a long term project!