Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Log Cabin and Flowers

Fat Quarter Quilting: 1930's Style
A pattern by Lori Smith.

I used a charm pack from Moda called 30's Playtime, designed by Chloe's Closet. Cute!

Friday, July 5, 2013

A Finish and a UFO

I finished a quilt for a friend.

And put two borders on an old UFO.  One more set to go! This is Scrappy Garden  Path from the book Threads From The Thirties. The pattern called for one and a half inch squares but I had a lot of leftover two and a half inch squares from  an earlier project so I decided to use them. After I put the first border on the top was huge! Of course, I hadn't allowed for the difference in squares. I had to take two rows off the bottom so it would fit my bed. I guess that's what happens when something goes into the UFO pile. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Manor House Sampler

The top is done!

Signature Blocks

The Neighborhood

Peony Row

Flowers and Vine

Basket Row

Sunbonnet Sue

Pinwheel Row

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy!

I came home from my retreat last month inspired and ready to finish some things up! I vowed to work on some UFOs.

This is a row robin from 2001! Five friends and I each did a row. When I got it out of the bag it was in pieces. I've been working all week to get it together. It always seems when so many different people work on something it takes a little effort to get everything to match up just right.  I had to add a little here and take away a little there. I have one more row to add before I add the borders. It sure feels good to get this in line for quilting...big stitch, I think.