The Infirmary
This will be a great post to start off a blog! LOL Everyone in my house has the flu. It may not be the bird flu but it might as well be because several times in the past few days I've felt like I'm going to die.If I'm going to lay around in bed all day I want to enjoy it! I am going to try to post a picture of my healing quilt. In 2001 I got very sick and basically I did not get well until the summer of 2004. That's all I am saying about that...anyway my precious friends made a quilt for me to wrap up in. They used my favorite 30's prints and hand quilted it! I think the pattern is Carpenter's Wheel. What do you know, the quilt worked! I got well! This is the most special gift I have ever recieved. I hope the picture makes it... So, today I feel human enough to get on the computer and the first thing I thought of was the quilt I am wrapped up in. At one point this afternoon I offered to cover my daughter in it (she's on the couch ). She said, "No, it has your germs on it right now!" LOL She did accept the millinium quilt on the back of the couch and mentioned how appropriate it was because she said she thought this flu bug was going to last 2000 years.
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