Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What I Did Last Summer...

Last summer was the worst summer of my entire life. My whole world fell apart the day my husband, of 35 years, told me he had someone else. He said he was unhappy and didn't want to live this way anymore. Seems a girlfriend from when he was 14 years old had contacted him on Facebook. That was the end of May. By the end of July, he had been to see her in Puerto Rico (telling me he was on a business trip to California) and made plans for her to come to Texas at the end of September! I found all the pictures, emails and even the tatoo (ugh, TMI!) stored on his computer. I was devastated.

He told me I would have to get an apartment and a job. Unless, of course, I wanted to stay there with them! Huh? My daughter came to my rescue letting me know in no uncertain terms would I be getting an apartment or a job. I was coming to live with her. So, I packed up all my antiques, treasures and quilts. Put everything but my bedroom and sewing room in storage and moved on.

Fast forward through all the painful events of the last year...losing someone I love and trusted completly, financial troubles and finally divorce. I'll spare you the details.

I'm telling you all this because so many times this last year I wanted to stop blogging. Stop showing you what I was working on, stop posting about the Tootie Girls and close my blog. I've hardly had anything to say. Not to mention almost losing my desire for quilting.

I'm better now. Not 100%, just better than I was. I'm going to keep blogging because it does inspire me. I just felt like I needed to tell you what was going on in my life.

Now, on to much happier thoughts!


  1. It is very brave of you to share the story of your difficult year. I'm so glad to hear that you have come through the darkest part. With your daughter, the Tooties and quilting, there is sure to be a little sunshine in your life every day! *hugs*

  2. Sometimes life can really throw us a curve ball. But one thing about quilting, it can really perk up your spirits and push the bad thoughts away. It seems that things are getting better now for you, especially with those cute Tootie girls around. Those nine-patch blocks are looking good.

  3. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your worst nightmare and challenge in your life. I hope you've started the healing process and tried to enjoy the real blessings in your life.

    BIG Hugs for you!!!

  4. I'm so glad you are healing and can begin this new chapter in your life with such a brave attitude. May you find an abundance of joy in quilting again.

  5. Bless your heart! What a devistating nightmare. I am glad you moved on and are enjoying the blessings in your life with your family who loves you. And that you are still sharing on your blog with your friends. Your ex is a sad cliche. Just saying!

  6. Oh such a difficult time, I cannot imagine. I'm glad that you have continued to share your quilting - it truly shows your heart and my prayers are that it will be healed and you will continue to soar to new heights! The Tootie girls are the best!


  7. I am so very sorry you have had to go through many of us have. I am glad you are posting and quilting and enjoying those tooties!!

  8. You've been through so much. But hang there. Your a wonderful lady and it is going to get better!

  9. And you inspire us!!!! You are a strong and courageous woman. With a great daughter and family. I have followed you preTootie and have enjoyed so much seeing them grow up. Stay encouraged. You are needed and appreciated.

  10. I'm glad for your sweet daughter (and SIL) to step up. Don't the little ones keep life marching on, too? Blessings to you, I'm saying a prayer for brighter days to come.

  11. Oh my goodness...what a terrible year you've had. I had no idea...I've always enjoyed stopping in from time to time to see how the girls have grown. I'm so glad you had the tooties to help distract you from all that stress. Sure hope that quilting helps to stitch your life back together. Take good care of yourself.
