Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A New Quilt

I broke out a jelly roll for a quick quilt. I love this book! Jelly Roll Quilts by Pam and Nicky Lintot. I want to make every quilt in this book! Actually, I have made one top already and have another planned.

Each quilt is a generous lap size. You only need the jelly roll, some border, backing and binding fabric.

This is the French Braid quilt from the cover. I'm using American Primer by Minnick and Simpson. It worked out perfectly because there were 20 lights and 20 darks. It's simple to sew together and I've been putting one row together a day. I have five done and it takes 8.

That is my design wall. Actually, I have another design wall in the hall outside my sewing room that I use to audition blocks before I sew them into rows. This wall in my sewing room has everything I am working on pinned to it. My friend says I have layers...and she's right. I like to have everything in plain sight, that way I don't forget about something!
Oh, yeah. I am working on my A Year of Schnibbles quilt. Had to stop and order some more charm packs. My design idea got a little out of hand. Hopefully I will be able to show something other than bits of blocks before too long.


  1. I do like the way the jelly roll is coming together in your braid quilt. Also, I see a project peeking out from underneath that sparks my interest. Looks like snow & pine trees.

  2. I liked that book too but did some hand slapping and was good to keep wallet in purse. :-) Your braid quilt is wonderful! But do like all that I see near it as well!

  3. Love that book.
    Your quilt is going to be lovely.

  4. Hi there, I've never purchased a jelly roll before but after reading your post I think I'll have to-plus the book. Love your design wall and always impressed with your tops.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. Thanks for the tip on the book!~ I have a jelly roll that is in need of a pattern. ;-) I love your blog! :-)
