I'd like to tell you about some of my things. The double porch rocker (with all the pillows and yo-yo quilt) belonged to my grandmother. I used to sit with her on the front porch and call the whippoorwills. When she passed away I was fortunate enough to get it.
Many years ago my Mom gave me the secretary. She has given me so many things. Once, when my sister visited she said to my Mom, " Now I know where all your furniture is."
The coffee table was the first antique I ever bought. It was a library table and my husband used it to study when he was in college. After a few moves we cut the legs down to coffee table height. I've always loved it cut down. There is a drawer in the front that we use to hide remotes and Christmas Cd's (and candy). LOL~
The framed doily was made by my great-grandmother. I have two more framed pieces that she made.
The two (lime) green chairs were also my grandmothers. I would love to recover them but my daughter really loves the way they are right now. So, I'll leave them as they are for awhile.
The mirror over the couch belonged to my Mom. When my daughter was little it was hanging over her crib and she loved to look at herself. A friend from Florida made the floral swag with branches from a curly willow tree that was cut from a tree in my Mom's backyard. She also made the wreath in the dining room.
The bow front china cabinet and the victrola and music stand are antiques I purchased. I never bought my antiques outright, I always put them on layaway. Everywhere we moved (in the Air Force) there would be a little antique shop that was my favorite and I would pick things up here and there.
I've got the fabric to make the curtains for these two rooms and the rods are already up. Somehow, quilting always takes priority!
This is the dining room. See the cradle? It's full of albums filled with Tootie Babies pictures. Imagine that!
The large cabinet is a display cabinet from a department store. I have my teapot collection displayed in it. We moved it from the other side of the room and I like it so much better where it is now.
The table has two huge leaves and they pull out to make a very long table. We've had many family dinners around this table. Lots of memories...
The buffet was a gift from my Mom as well as the sewing rocker. Sometimes it is called a nursing rocker but I can't imagine that with no arms for support! That is my grandmother's silver tea and coffee service on the tea cart.
I know that these days the decorating style I have is outdated. Pink and blue went out long ago but I still love it. Oak has fallen out of favor too. I wouldn't give up my turn of the century golden oak furniture for anything.
The walls are much darker than they appear in these pictures. I love the new floors! I'm so glad that it is over but, we still have to do the upstairs...
Who cares what the popular style today is... it's your house! And it's very pretty!
ReplyDeleteI went to get wallpaper the other day and asked for a certain style. The man at the store looked at me and said: That's not modern anymore. I said I don't care, do you have some. He gave me an odd look and repeated himself.
We have to live in our houses and like what we have even if it's not the latest style. I figure that one day soon my house will be very modern again! And you know, that's not important to me!
Do your own thing!
I vote that the two green chairs are the best things in the room. In real life the rooms are so inviting. There is something to look at and ask questions about on every surface. I love the stories behind everything. I hope The Tooties will, too.
ReplyDeleteWhat fun to live in a home that is decorated with heirlooms and precious memories *s*
ReplyDeletestyle is relative.. if the spaces make you happy that is all that matters!!!
ReplyDeleteJudy, everything is beautiful and just makes me want to come and visit and see it all in person. Yours is truely a home and not just a house. The fall quilts on the previous post are great too.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for sharing this with all of us. It is so wonderful to have stories about the things that surround you - and good that they are "written down" so that one day the Tootie girls will know the stories, too. My daughter and I keep saying we will do that, but so far haven't gotten there. Soon!
I love your quilt stitchery shown at the top of your blog. Can you tell me who designed it? I would love to make one for me !! Thanks so much........Trish