Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Tooties Love Snow!

The weather report says more snow next week! Hello, this is Texas people!

The Tooties played in the snow last time. This is Sarah, who loves her gloves but doesn't know what to do when she has them on. Mostly, she just holds her hands out straight in front of her!

Emily is all bundled up! They cried when they had to go inside.

So Mommy brought some inside to play with. That Mommy, she sure is smart.

They had a great time until Emily threw snow at Sarah and it went under the stove...their attention then turned to finding out where the snow went.

Hopefully, this next snow won't be the "Blizzard of 2010" like it was last time!

There is no quilting going on upstairs in the quilting room. The floors are done (beautiful) and the rooms are painted (smelly). Today we'll try to get some things organized in there so I can get back to normal!


  1. There's crazy weather all over!! I smiled when I saw you called the girls tooties...that's what we called our girls when they were little and we still they're 17 and 18.
    Stay warm,

  2. The tooties sure look like they are having fun with the snow. What a great idea to bring it indoors for them to play with.

  3. They are too cute!! Love how she is holding her hands out because she doesn't know what to do with them while the mitts are on!! Adorable!! She needs a trip to Canada!! And bringing snow into the house...ingenious! Well done, mom!
    Take care!

  4. Fabulous. Isn't it such fun to share life with these special little guys. Will send a photo of my littlest one to your email.

  5. Bringing snow inside to play with - Mommy is a genius!

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day, so good to meet you!
    I love your quilts, they are so beautiful. My mother in-law quilts and is in a bee. I always go with her to the big quilting guild every year in Kerrville, lots of pretty quilts.

  7. Bringing the snow in was a great idea. I wish I had thought of that when my son was little. We are going to get a little of your snow . It will just barley hit us. Sorry. Good luck and stay warm.

  8. We got a little taste of the snow this weekend in Virginia. Three of my friends and I are here to go to the Mid Atlantic Quilt show tomorrow. Today we spent at the home of Sara Madson for a day long lesson in Baltimore Quilts. Yesterday afternoon, it was 43 degrees outside, sun shining and it was snowing up a blizzard...weirdest thing I had ever seen.
