Sunday, May 2, 2010

1930's Reproduction Reduction

Last week I wanted a new project that was a quickie. I always turn to my stash of Lori Smith patterns when this happens.

Isn't this just the cutest?

So, while I was digging around in my 1930's drawer I decided to start a really ambitious project. I'll show that to you later in the week. This is my drawer after cutting for the new quilt. Sorry, I don't have a before picture but it was overflowing with fabric and this is what's left! Love it because some of those fabrics were twenty years old.

And, don't you know pancakes and bananas taste better with a rooster hanging from your neck!


  1. OMG your daughter is adorable!! So cute!!! Also I really like your new header! Very nice quilt!

  2. What a cutie! Of course banana's and pancakes are better with roosters! LOL :-) Love your header photo and your little 30'ss quilt~ now what is your next 30's project? I'm looking forward to seeing what you are up to! :-)

  3. That is quilt is amazing!!! I love SBSs. And your Tootie is looking mighty happy with her rooster.

  4. I can only imagine how much better the taste must be . . . . I'm going to try it next time *s*

  5. Your Lori quilt is very cute. That is a great action photo fo your daughter. I like the blue in the tumblers in your header.

  6. Too cute, I should try that next time. Love the Lori Smith quilt.

  7. Both, the Sunbonnet Sue and your daughter are just adorable!

  8. What method did you do for the Sunbonnet Sue? It's so cute - love the vine border. And I already knew a rooster made breakfast better LOL!! Can't wait to see the reveal.

  9. You know what I'm laughing about!

