I can't believe it is Wednesday again! Time sure flys when you are happy and busy.
Today I am working on the first block for the Home Sweet Home quilt. I'm going "the long way around the barn" on this block! A few posts ago I reported that I was trying invisible machine applique. Actually two different ways. First I used mono filament thread and wasn't satisfied with the look(even though I love how it looks on others quilts). So, I took what I had done out! Then I tried using matching thread and a machine buttonhole stitch. I just wasn't liking that either so I took that out! Now I am hand appliqueing the block and I feel so much better about it. The reason I started machine appliqueing in the first place was because I didn't need another hand quilting project since I have two in the works right now and I'm pretty slow at hand quilting. See, I figure if I put all that hand work in appliqueing something I think it deserves to be hand quilted. Do you all feel the same? I love the way my friend Ty machine quilts my quilts and she would do a good job on an applique quilt but there is something stuck in my head about hand applique/hand quilt or machine piece or applique/machine quilt. I just don't know~
So, instead of a quilting picture today I am posting a few corners of my home. I don't know what order these will come out in so I'll tell you a little bit about each one in the order I hope they show up.
Last week my DD gave me some beautiful roses. As you know, there comes a time in a cut roses life that it just plain says goodbye! Not at my house! I always try to dry the spent flowers. Today I made a ring around the little box on my antique cake plate. Romantic and valentine-y!
Next are the cake plates I just bought on Monday. I love these two because I can change the ribbon for different occasions. Plus, I like them stacked up on the sideboard.
Finally, this is the amaryllis bulb I have in my kitchen window. This is the first time I've tried to grow one. I think it is beautiful. I also have two hyacinths, one pink and one purple, just about to bud. They will smell so wonderful!
Everyone have a great day. Try to fit some quilting time into your schedule. It will make you smile!