Tuesday, September 1, 2009

An Experiment

There were some excellent ideas in the comments for the Labels, Labels, Labels post! Sew Create It Jane mentioned she has a hard time coming up with names for her quilts. I have a trick I'd like to share with you!

First, pick up a magazine (not quilt related), get a pencil and some paper. Next, flip through the pages of the magazine jotting down any ideas for names you see. That could be titles of articles, words from advertisements, names of places or even recipe titles. Don't stop to think about this step...just write!

I'm using a Better Homes and Gardens magazine. This is my list:

Trail Blazer (this is from an ad for a car!)
Celebration (the name of a town in Florida)
Choosing Sides (the title of an article about side dishes)
Making Memories (an article about making holiday cards)
Lullaby Baby (name of a flower)
Black Eyed Stella (also a flower)
Starstruck (a flower too!)
Cookies and Cocoa (what else?)

Now, think about quilts that could go with the names.

Trailblazer could be a quilt with Drunkard's Path or Snail's Trail blocks.

Celebration might fit with a Christmas quilt or for a birthday gift. Also use this name for patriotic red, white and blue quilts.

Choosing Sides would be a good name for a Night and Noon or a Log Cabin quilt. Or maybe a black and white quilt.

Making Memories sounds like it goes with a photo quilt or an album block with signitures.

Of course, Lullaby Baby is for a baby quilt.

Black Eyed Stella would be great with bright fabrics and a black background or maybe a quilt with Sunflower blocks.

How about Starstruck for a Sawtooth Star quilt? Or, a quilt with star themed fabrics.

Cookies and Cocoa would be a good name for a predominently brown and beige quilt made with homespun plaids.

I'm sure you can see where I am going with this little experiment. It's really not hard to name your quilts. Book titles, chapters, names of plants or flowers, songs, recipes or favorite sayings can give you great ideas!

Now I keep a little notebook to write down inspiring names whenever I see them. I also collect special quotes that might relate to quilting. Try it and have fun!


  1. Great Idea. I'll have to give that a try.

  2. Thank you so much for this tip! Naming quilts is really hard for me. I'll definitely give this one a try. I'm looking at the caption on this page, thinking I may have to name one "Quiet Quilter!"

  3. Thank you thank you...ah the light bulbs that are going off!! I never ever thought of doing that...What a brilliant idea!

  4. Fantastic idea! Every now and then, I get stuck trying to come up with a name and this is a good method for those days.
